I thrive in collaborative cross-disciplinary teams looking to understand user needs to address complex interface requirements and business strategy challenges. My design strengths focus on translating business requirements into specs, wireframes, designs and functional prototypes.
Motif Analytics
Founding Product Designer
May 2022 - Nov 2022
Motif was founded by product leaders and engineers who pioneered the idea of thinking with data visually at Google, Uber, Waymo, and Coursera. The mission is to build a tool that feels more like creating in Figma, than passively viewing static dashboards or writing SQL in a text editor. This is all grounded in the concept of event sequence data exploration.
I was brought onboard to lead the design efforts as the team transitions from concepts developed as internal tools and MVP explorations to a commercial release.
Motif is currently in stealth mode working with design partners.
Ambassador Labs
Product Design Lead
Nov 2020 - May 2022
I was the first design hire for Ambassador Labs as it made the transition from CLI based developer tools to include saas cloud-based features. I was brought onboard to create the initial design system (figma) and build out the design process and team.
I work directly with product executive leadership to design and spec out cycle stories for the engineering team, and work with each team to implement features.
I was also brought onboard to manage the growing UX team which includes brand design and technical documentation writing, as well as product design. The UX team works directly with all teams at the company. The UX team has been responsible for project such as a complete brand redesign and overhaul of the IA of our developer docs.
Project details
National Lampoon
Product, Design, and Technical Operations Advisor
Update: acquired by a new private investor group November 2022 Sep 2017 - Sep 2020
Venerable but neglected comedy brand, National Lampoon, was acquired in the summer of 2017. I joined shortly after to provide guidance on distribution channels and overall technology decisions for film and television projects, internal tooling, and systems.
I provide design and development for company web properties, as well as advertising/marketing collateral.
Read about the acquisition in Deadline.

Twine Health (now Fitbit)
Head of Product
Update: acquired by Fitbit February 2018 Nov 2013 - Feb 2018
Twine Health was built with the goal of putting people back at the center of their care, helping them take ownership of their health actions and outcomes with the continuous support of both clinicians and loved ones.
As Twine’s first hire, the company started as a collection of research papers, clinical trial prototypes and sketches. After absorbing the research, and in collaboration with the CEO, planned, documented, and help build the first feature set and productize the offering.
I worked to build the Twine team, platform, and vision until a successful acquisition by Fitbit
Project details
Tracelytics (now SolarWinds)
UX Lead and Development Manager
Update: acquired by AppNeta (2012), now SolarWinds (2016) Aug 2011 - Nov 2013
Tracelytics is a SaaS solution for full stack application performance management. Tracelytics collects information about web application performance from front-end load balancer to database, even across layers and hosts.
I joined Tracelytics during the angel phase and helped guide the company from hand sketched wireframes, through prototypes, pixel perfect visual design, to completed web app.
The result of this process was Tracelytics being acquired by Appneta.
Project detailsOpen Source
During my time with Tracelytics I have the privilege to collaborate with some talented engineers and product people to publish a few open source tools. It was both a fulfilling experience to contribute to the open source community as well as enhance the Tracelytics offering.
pageguide.js (open source)
pageguide With Tracelytics, I published the popular pageguide.js. An interactive on-page contextual interface guide, first developed for Tracelytics, but released as an open-source project: check it out on github.
GithubBurndown (open source)
burndown Harnessing the power of the mighty Github API, Burndown provides a dead simple way to generate a burndown chart for any Github milestone. This is helpful for tracking both progress and performance, as well as identifying what work remains. Github is great for source and issue management, but it’s a bit lacking for project management. Working with another front end developer I provided the design from icon to page layout for burndown. see it in action at http://burndown.io/ or check out the repo on github.
GithubDeep Cuts
I’ve enjoyed a career where I have had the opportunity to work in roles ranging from research, marketing, engineering, design, to product management. I feel as though my breadth of experience allows me to communicate easily with stakeholder of varying backgrounds. Below is a collection of projects I worked on earlier in my career (before retina screenshots obviously!).
UX Architect
As primary UX architect for Yottaa, I provided all assets from wireframes and design specification through pixel accurate designs for Yottaa’s Beijing based engineering team. Working with the VP of product to conceptualize and document all features for yottaa.com
Project details 1000 Cranes of Hope
Lead Developer
1000 Cranes of Hope is an online monument that contains the collective wishes of patients, caregivers, health care providers, and Millennium employees, who all stand together in the fight against cancer.
My responsibilities for this project was all backend database work, front end UI development and integration of flash pieces. There is a custom cms associated with this project, allowing Millennium administrators to monitor all user interaction with the site.
This is a hybrid .NET Flash site coded in C# utilizing jquery as the javsacript framework. The site relies heavily on .NET ajax to communicate with the Flash components.
Project details Conversen (now Experian)
UX Architect
Update: acquired by Experian Conversen is a multi-channel marketing platform
I directed the interface and user experience overhaul of Conversen’s primary SaaS offering, guiding the UI from an xml/xslt based system to a standards based .NET implementation, focused on optimized css and javascript utilizing a combination ajax/webforms methodology
Project details Zoosa (no longer doing business)
Lead Design & Development
Update: This organization is no longer active…for posterity: I served as primary designer and developer for Zoosa. Zoosa was a .NET 3.5 site utilizing JQuery as a javascript framework, and .NET webservices for ajax.
Zoosa’s primary goal is to bring transparency to corporate CSR and to the education, nonprofit, and “green” sectors by providing professionals with a single location to quickly find all social enterprise information, opportunities, people & organizations. To accomplish this goal, we aggregate content from high quality partner sites to Zoosa and rely upon our network of socially responsible professionals to fill in the information gaps.
Project details Gillette Young Guns (site no longer live)
Lead Developer
Update: This site is no longer active…for posterity: The Gillette Young Guns was a marketing promotion site highlighting rising stars in Nascar who were sponsored by The Gillette Company.
Winner, 2007 MITX Award for Entertainment/Sports
I served as primary developer for this project
Project details Red Sox Central (internal web app)
Lead Developer
Red Sox Central is an internal only ticketing system for employees requesting tickets to home Red Sox games.
I served as primary developer for this project